What happens in school

Mealtimes/Dietary Requirements
The pupils have a mid morning snack break and a lunch break at 12:00 noon.
Parents send in appropriate food and drink but may opt to avail of a hot meal from ‘The Oasis’, the Carmona Services canteen. For many of our pupils, snack and lunch time is an enjoyable and social experience. For others, while being an enjoyable part of the school routine, feeding is also a part of their learning activities. Teaching and Special Needs Assistant staff work closely with parents to ensure that the pupils’ dietary requirements are met and their mealtimes are handled appropriately. It is very important that parents advise the school of their child’s dietary requirements and if medical and/or allergy constraints apply then dietary requirements must be confirmed in writing to the school nurse.

Social Outings
We combine familiarising our students with the locality and engaging in routine social activities by taking small groups of pupils on outings and trips.

Parental/Guardian Consent
Parents/Guardians are asked to give written consent to general outings at the start of the school year and specific written consent is required for activities such as horse riding.

Playground Activities
We have a lovely, well-equipped playground on campus in the grounds of Angels’ Quest Respite Centre. Our students can therefore enjoy fresh air and have fun in class groups, when weather permits.

Horse Riding
With the generous help of the Riding for the Disabled Association our pupils may enjoy horse riding at Carrickmines Equestrian Centre.  This activity has tremendous potential benefit particularly for balance, sensory perception and, of course, learning and enjoyment from interaction with animals.

Sensory Room Activities
The school has a multi-sensory room in the main school building and access to a larger sensory room on campus.  These facilities provide stimulating light and texture activities which aid development, particularly for those with sensory impairment.

Physical Education
Classes are timetabled for the use of the campus hall and a variety of P.E. activities are engaged in by the pupils. Pupils also learn physical activities and games that enable them, if they wish, to participate in the National Games. The school is also working towards becoming an affiliated Special Olympics Club.

All pupils who wish to go swimming attend Castle Park Swimming Pool on Thursdays. We welcome parent and volunteers participation. The school is delighted to be able to offer this activity which is both beneficial and enjoyable for the pupils.

Hydrotherapy Pool
Some pupils are now using the new Carmona Services Hydrotherapy pool which is proving both enjoyable and therapeutic.


Parent/Teacher Communication – Home/School Diary
Daily communication between teachers and parents is in the form of a Home/School Diary in which both parents/guardians and teachers record pertinent information about the student’s performance, activities and well-being.

This Diary is a vital means of ongoing communication for teachers as well as for parents and, of course, has a primary role in ensuring maximum benefit for the pupils. For confidentiality and record purposes, parents/guardians are asked to pass on all day-to-day information through the home/school diary.

While the diary may be used to address a variety of issues, parents are asked to address important issues by letter to the class teacher or principal or school nurse, as appropriate.

It is very important that the school is notified of any changes in home address, telephone numbers, mobile numbers etc. immediately. Parents are welcome in the classroom but we remind all visitors about disruption to class activities and pupil concentration. It would be desirable where possible to make a prior appointment.

Meetings with the school principal can be arranged by telephoning the principal or school secretary at any time.

Contact Details
The school secretary plays an important role in the day to day running of the school. She can be contacted at the school on 01-235 3591 between 8:30 am and 3:00 pm daily or by e-mail: school.carmona@sjog.ie

Parents/School Communication
Parents are an integral part of the school community and a vital link in the relationship between the school and its pupils. We value the central role parents play in their children’s education and encourage ongoing dialogue between parents and teaching staff. Parents play an important role in their activities as a Parents’ Association and parents are represented on the school’s Board of Management.

Secondary Schooling
This curriculum, begun at Primary level, is extended and reinforced at Secondary level with emphasis on social skills and independence training.

Curriculum Headings

  • Language and Communication
    Cognitive Development
    Social Personal Health Education (SPHE)
    Physical Development/Physical Education (PD/ PE)
    Social, Environmental and Scientific Education(S.E.S.E.)
    Visual Arts/Art/Music/Cookery/Sensory Integration

Structure of day
The timetable in each class caters for the individual needs of the children. The specific activities each child engages in are written in his/her Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Curriculum and Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
Carmona Special National School provides a broad and balanced curriculum within the framework of the National Curriculum set out by the Dept. of Education & Science (DES).

Our goal is to give every child the opportunity to develop to his/her full potential. In order to ensure that each pupil’s strengths are recognised and utilised and that their learning/developmental needs are met, the school carries out annual IEPs. These plans are formulated in close consultation with parents/teachers/clinical staff and are used as the basis of measurement of progress during the school year.

Ongoing review of the IEP is a sharing of opinions between teachers and parents.